Welcome to Special Education 20-21!

Students must receive all services documented in their Individual Education Program (IEP) through on-campus instruction, remote instruction, or a combination of both. Family engagement will be a critical factor of success for students with disabilities; we look forward to communicating and partnering with families to ensure that students have what they need to be successful, whether learning on-campus or remotely. School staff should reach out to families soon so that families understand their child’s special education learning plan. For school year 2020-21, DESE guidance provides that special education instruction and services must include the following components:

  • A regular and consistent schedule of classes, interventions, services, and therapies as required by the student’s IEP, offered synchronously or asynchronously and made transparent and available to parents and families through their student schedules;

  • Structured instructional time (as defined by DESE above) designed so that the student can access state standards; and

  • Frequent interactions with teachers and other staff members to ensure their participation in the student’s learning.

The consistent schedule of classes, interventions, services, and therapies must include time students spend interacting directly with teachers and related service providers on a regular basis, as well as some independent work time, as appropriate, and opportunities for interacting with classmates. Synchronous remote lessons or tele-therapy sessions can be provided via telephone or video conferencing. Students might also benefit from asynchronous pre-recorded videos of lessons to follow at home. For students receiving the majority of their daily instruction through special education, teachers and therapists should assign supplemental work (beyond lessons taught synchronously or asynchronously) during the school day that can be accomplished independently with guidance from and accountability to the teacher or therapist. Over the coming weeks, the Office of Special Education will ensure that practices, systems, instructional materials and content are accessible to students with disabilities and that staff members provide accommodations for students where necessary, including with regard to school bus transportation. We will leverage DESE’s guidance as an anchor, alongside the input and feedback from our Reopening Task Force.

Professional Development Opportunities

SMARTS 4 part Series

Understanding Executive Function: The Key to Successful Learning

This session will discuss the fundamentals of executive function as well as how to understand the way learning environments can foster healthy executive function development.


Executive Function: The Bridge Between Home and School

In this session, attendees will learn how the gap between home and school can be bridged to develop consistent approaches to supporting executive function, especially as it pertains to the organization of materials.


Executive Function and Reading

This session will explore the relationship between executive function and reading and will highlight strategies to support the EF demands of reading assignments.


Executive Function and Math

In this session, attendees will explore the relationship between math and EF and will learn easy to use strategies to help student problem solve flexibly on math tasks.


Special Education NEW COVID Regulations and Processes

For teachers and school leaders, in this session we will learn about the new regulations regarding special education, the COVID 19 Special Education Learning Plan, Compensatory Services guidance and updates on assessments.


Executive Function Skills for Students' Online Learning

In this session, we will learn how to nurture our students' Executive Functioning Skills in the remote environment.



Remote Learning Lesson Planning & Accessibility for SWDs

In this session, we will learn about meeting the needs of students with special needs through lesson planning and accessibility.


Using the SMARTS Executive Function Curriculum to Support Remote Learning

In this session, attendees will learn how to implement the SMARTS Elementary Executive Function Curriculum to transition from in-person, remote, and hybrid instruction

Video [coming soon]

Maximizing Goalbook Toolkit Remote Learning Resources

For teachers new to Goalbook, this session will be provided with an overview of Goalbook Toolkit, we will explore customizable learning and behavior goals, as well as instructional resources. For experienced users, this session will cover about newly released resources to specifically support remote learning.

★ New Users Video and Materials
★ Experienced Users Video and Materials

Learning Ally

Introduction to the Learning Ally Audiobook Solution and how to maximize it with Hybrid or Remote Learning

Video [coming soon]

n2y's Learning System

In this session, special education teachers will be introduced to n2y/Unique Learning System and receive individualized support in setting up their classroom.


Seesaw in Special Education Classrooms

Educators will learn best practice for using Seesaw to support children with additional service needs. Differentiated strategies and ideas will be shared.



Other Resources

Please visit our website for more information.

Contact: Ethan d'Ablemont Burnes, Assistant Superintendent of Special Education