Welcome to History/Social Studies 20-21!

Pacing Guides

Professional Development Opportunities

Introduction to Online DBQ

Educators will have an opportunity to engage in The DBQ Project's online DBQ (Document Based Question) platform.

Elementary Video [coming soon] and Slides

Secondary Video and Slides

Introduction to Elementary History and Social Studies

This session is designed to reinforce history/social studies instruction sets a foundation cognizant of the seven forms of bias, anti-racism, reflection on identity and incorporates CLSP.



Introduction to Financial Literacy, using Everfi digital platform

Educators will review the MA Financial Literacy standards, have an opportunity to explore EVERFI's library of fully funded digital resources, and learn effective strategies on how to implement these personal finance resources.



Other Resources

An initiative to promote civics education, student civic engagement, and educate students about voting! Visit the website for more information.

Contact: Angela Hedley-Mitchell, Program Director