Welcome to the Office of English Learners!

The Office of English Learners (OEL) has worked tirelessly to prepare resources for schools to open this fall prepared to serve BPS English Learners. On August 3rd, OEL released the Instructional EL Fall 2020 Reopening Memo which is a document that provides guidance for effective classroom pedagogical practices for ELs in the context of the two learning models outlined as options by BPS: 1) Hybrid learning, and 2) Remote learning.


Instruction should follow best practices for English Learners (EL) grounded in the instructional core of WIDA, SIOP, and MA Curriculum Frameworks (see the EL instructional guidance for more information). Regardless of the reopening model, explicit instruction in learning English must be provided to all English learners, inclusive of English learner students with disabilities, according to their English Language Development (ELD) level by an ESL licensed teacher. Similarly, other core content teachers of ELs will still be expected to scaffold grade-level, standards-aligned instruction with multiple access points according to students’ ELD level and native language. Students in High Intensity Literacy Training for Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (HILT for SLIFE) and Dual Language programs will still receive instruction in the native language (language of the program). Overall, effective quality EL instruction must focus on strong daily routines that build relationships with students and intentional groupings of students to provide targeted opportunities for productive language output (speaking and writing).

  • Live instruction occurs when a student or a group of students are engaged in learning at the same time, and should be completed with ELs in front of a teacher either on-campus or online. On-campus instruction, including push-in and pull-out ESL services, must adhere to all health and safety requirements while also ensuring that EL instruction is not disproportionately scheduled to non-traditional classroom spaces in school buildings. In the remote setting, small-group ESL instruction (even in the form of individual office hours when feasible) is especially beneficial for English Learners.

  • Self-paced learning with no live interaction, should continue to follow the principles of live instruction, but with added levels of student independence in order to support English language development.

The use of online learning platforms and other technology tools should include embedded supports for English Learners.

Engaging parents of ELs as partners and close academic monitoring to ensure ELs have the opportunity to address unfinished learning incurred during school closure is key; therefore, collaboration with school staff remains important in the learning process to support student achievement during school reopening in remote, hybrid, or on-campus models. To ensure English Learner students are receiving requisite services and that this information can be communicated to legal monitoring partners and other stakeholders, school leaders must ensure that ESL services and schedules are reflected for each student in Aspen and that attendance for ESL courses and/of service blocks will also be recorded. Additionally, students’ progress toward attaining English language proficiency across the domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking should be formatively assessed and discussed with students and their parents.

Over the next few weeks, BPS will help school leaders ensure that reopening programs are designed specifically with the needs of our English Learners in mind and will support teachers with professional development specific to the needs of English Learners. With DESE’s guidance on English Learners as an anchor, along with the input and feedback from our Reopening Task Forces, we will ensure that English Learners receive all necessary supports and services and that the appropriate accountability systems are in place.

Professional Development Opportunities

ESL Services for Fall 2020

For all School Leaders and teachers of ELs, this PD covers Operational Guidance to reopening SY20-21



WIDA: Language Objectives and Differentiation online Webinar Series

For any educator who needs the basics of the WIDA framework for differentiation for English Learners.


ELSWD: COVID-19 Updates

For teachers of ELSWD, this PD covers expectations for ELSWD: operational and instructional updates.



OEL WIDA eLearning Webinars (Abridged Version)

For any educator who want to dive into the WIDA framework in different contexts, such as for STEAM teachers, math teachers, teachers of Newcomer ELs, etc.


A Guide to ESL Scheduling in ASPEN SIS

For all School Leaders and teachers of ELs.


Other Resources

Please visit our website for more information

Contacts: OEL Instructional Team, oellinstructionteam@bostonpublicschools.org

OEL Equity & Accountability Team, oellequityteam@bostonpublicschools.org