Special Education

Special Education

Special Education classes are for students who have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), which provides support, accommodations, and modifications for students with a learning, physical, or other disability.


Grades 7-12

Prerequisite: Placement per IEP

This program is designed to identify and meet the needs of students who show a significant discrepancy between ability and achievement, i.e. learning disabled and/or other identified conditions such as physically handicapped, deaf, visual impairment, orthopedic impairment, speech or language impairment and/or other health impairments. Special emphasis is placed on accommodating or modifying students’ programs so that they can function in the least restrictive environment. This is achieved by regular communication between classroom teachers and the Special Education staff. Students enrolled in the RSP program are working toward a high school diploma and are enrolled in general education classes for most of their graduation requirements. RSP classes provide additional support and are not college approved for CSU/UC Systems.

SPECIAL DAY CLASS (SDC) - Certificate of Completion

Grades: 7-12

Prerequisite: Placement per IEP

The Special Day Class (SDC) Certificate of Completion program is a special education program that allows students to work on English, Math, History, and Science Skills with a focus on life skills. These courses help students to achieve progress in subject areas at their own individualized abilities. In addition, students will participate in grade level electives with support.