Non-department Courses

Non-Department Electives

Peer Advocates

Grades: 9-12

Graduation Requirement: Vocational Education or elective

A-G: No

Our Peer Advocates program works with students and staff to create a safe school environment and culture as well helping students to be successful at Golden Sierra. Peer Advocates are a group of upperclassmen that acts as mentors to underclassmen students.  They are there to listen to their mentees, provide support, and help connect them to community resources.  They often help facilitate communication between students, staff, and administration.  They also act as Teen Health educators working with our 7th and 9th graders.

Students are introduced to interpersonal communication skills with the purpose of helping themselves and other students resolve problems, manage conflict and deal with stress and emotions common to the high school years. Focus topics include active and reflective listening, values clarification, decision making, problem solving, stress management, conflict management, referral skills, and how to organize health education outreach activities for the schools and community. Knowledge and practice of these concepts will help students develop an increased self-awareness as well as assisting them in being effective and competent helpers for their peers. 

AVID 9-12

Grades: 9-12

Graduation Requirement: Elective

A-G: G

Prerequisite: Complete Application

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a four term college preparatory class at Golden Sierra High School. AVID is an elective class that prepares students in the middle, with academic potential and determination, for success in advanced high school classes and in preparation for entrance into four year college. The AVID program provides academic instruction and support to students, organizational skills, motivates students to seek a college education, gives students college level entry skills, and increases student’s level of career awareness.

Teacher & Peer Support

Peer Tutor

Grades: 11-12

Graduation Requirement: Elective

A-G: No

Prerequisite: Approval by Counselor and Teacher

Cross age tutors provide academic support to other students within Study Hall. You may be asked to specialize in a specific academic area such as math, science, or English, or support struggling students with organization and time management. This is a solid resume and life skills building for students.

Library Aide

Grades: 11-12

Graduation Requirement: Elective

A-G: No

Prerequisite: Consent of Librarian

Students are given practical experience in library operation. Daily assignments include checking out books, shelving books according to the current system, alphabetic and numerical filing, processing new books, delivering notices to classrooms, assisting with textbook management, and other jobs as assigned.

Office Aide

Grades: 11-12

Graduation Requirement: Elective

A-G: No

Prerequisite: Consent of Asst. Principal & Counselor

Students are given the opportunity to learn office skills by working in the main office. Skills taught include: answering the switchboard, delivering and picking up messages, sorting and delivering mail, running the copy machine, alphabetizing and filing information. Students must be in good standing in order to be considered for selection.


Grades: 11-12

Graduation Requirement: Elective

A-G: No

Prerequisite: Consent of Teacher & Counselor; Good attendance and positive school behavior are basic requirements for being a teacher's aide. Final approval will be made by the counselor/administrator after review.

Assist teacher in classroom administrative activities such as word processing, copying student handouts, filing, running errands and data input.