cultura y civilización latinoamericana



Boise State University

World Languages Department


Instructor: Manuel Gómez Navarro, PhD


Latin American culture and civilization from the Pre-Columbian period to the present. Discussion of topics such as an analysis of historical, political, economic, social, and cultural development in the Spanish-speaking Latin American nations, as well as the impact on the Conquest and its implications for Latin American identity formation and nationhood. Frequent writing assignments. Course conducted in Spanish. PREREQ: SPAN 300 or SPAN 301, and SPAN 302 or SPAN 402.



1. Los orígenes: de un pasado de grandeza a un presente de resistencia

Discover the significance of ancient civilizations in the Americas, such as the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas, among others. These remarkable cultures form the foundation of Latin American heritage and play a vital role in shaping the region's identity. Today, the descendants of these civilizations encounter various challenges in preserving their traditions, way of life, and even their languages. Explore how these communities navigate contemporary difficulties while striving to safeguard their rich cultural legacies.

2. Los derechos humanos en Latinoamérica: de las dictaduras al presente

The 1970s and a portion of the 1980s marked a harrowing period for numerous Latin American nations, particularly those in the Southern Cone (Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay), as well as in Central America during the 1980s. These regions were plagued by brutal and oppressive dictatorships that not only had a profound impact on the political landscape but also left lasting scars on the economy and, most significantly, on human rights. Today, the lingering effects of these dictatorships are still apparent in many of these countries.

3. La mujer en Latinoamérica

Over the course of several decades, women in Latin America have been engaged in an ongoing struggle for their rights. While some countries in the region were once beacons of progress in the fight for women's rights, unfortunately, others continue to grapple with significant challenges. In these countries, women face not only a lack of freedom but also endure pervasive violence and even murder.

4. La comunidad afrolatina

From the fifteenth century onwards, millions of Africans were subjected to the horrors of human trafficking and forcibly transported to the Americas. Over time, their languages and cultures have become integral to the vibrant tapestry of Latin American expression. These African contributions form a vital foundation for the richness and diversity found within Latin American culture.

5. El colectivo LGBTIQ+

The LGBTIQ+ community in various Latin American countries has confronted enduring challenges and violence in their pursuit of equal rights. While a majority of countries now acknowledge certain rights for this community, the struggle for full recognition and acceptance persists.

6. Migración: ayer y hoy

The Americas stand as a continent shaped by immigration. Waves of immigration from other continents and neighboring countries have significantly influenced the cultures of Latin American nations throughout different periods. However, one notable negative impact has been the profound and lasting consequences on native American populations, both historically and in the present day.

7. La población latina en los Estados Unidos: pasado, presente y futuro

The Latino presence in North America predates the founding of the United States. In several current U.S. states, Spanish and Latino culture existed before English and Anglo culture took root. The history of the Latino culture and the Spanish language in the United States has been marked by a mixture of animosity and appreciation. Today, both are finally being recognized for their foundational role in shaping American culture.