Changing Your Course of Study

Changing Your Course of Study

Moving between emphasis areas is possible, however, admission to one emphasis area does not guarantee admission to any of the other emphasis areas. 

Admission decisions are emphasis area-specific. The later in the program of study this is done, the bigger impact it will have in terms of delaying graduation. This decision should be based on curriculum and research topic alignment. 

Program GA funding that was granted upon admission to one emphasis area is not guaranteed to follow a student to a new emphasis area.

Emphasis Change Procedure

Students must submit the Change of Emphasis Request form. The request will be reviewed by the Co-Directors of the program and follow the regular admissions procedures for the specific emphasis area. Students must complete all fields on the form and upload an updated statement of purpose. 

Changing from a Ph.D. in computing to an M.S. degree program is not recommended and should be undertaken only after multiple consultations with your major advisor and the program Co-Directors. To initiate a change into a new degree program, students will need to apply to the appropriate program via graduate admissions.