
Graduate Students in the Computing PhD program fund their education in a variety of ways. Expand the sections below for details:

Graduate Assistantships

Students on any of these assistantships are compensated for an average of 20 hours per week (for a total of 1000 hours per year). Effort above and beyond the 20 hours is considered professional and academic development for things such as dissertation research and writing and coursework.

Part of a Graduate Assistant’s professional development includes assisting their major advisor with research responsibilities.  Research responsibilities will vary based on advisor and project. Graduate assistants are also expected to serve the University on average for 10 hours per week in a capacity such as assisting a course in their area of expertise (i.e. a teaching assistant).  Graduate assistantships are governed by University Policy 7170.

Assistantship Termination or Reduction

To maintain your Graduate Assistantship you must comply with all policies, procedures, and timelines outlined in this handbook, your assistantship contract, and the policies of Boise State University and the Graduate College. A Graduate Assistantship may be terminated or reduced at any time by the program for just cause such as unsatisfactory performance of assigned duties, dereliction of duties, insubordination, unsatisfactory academic performance, unsatisfactory progress toward the degree, a felony conviction, or for any other cause of similar magnitude as determined by the graduate program and the Graduate Dean.


Vacation must be approved by your major advisor and work assignment supervisor, if applicable. Make requests for vacation in accordance with the requirements provided to you by your major advisor and work assignment supervisor, if applicable.

Leave of Absence for Graduate Assistants

You must be continually enrolled in the program and make satisfactory progress to maintain your Graduate Assistantship. You may request a leave of absence if you cannot maintain continuous enrollment in any given semester. Official leaves of absence will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Your assistantship may be affected by an official leave of absence and the program cannot guarantee the availability of a graduate assistantship upon your return. 

External Fellowships

External fellowships are funding from a non-University sponsor such as government agencies, corporations, and foundations.  Fellowships can provide generous salaries and tuition, and show distinction and prestige on the recipient. Graduate students are encouraged to apply for external fellowships and can find a list of possible fellowships on our website:


Not all students in the Computing Ph.D. program are funded. Some students may receive financial support for their degree program from an employer or may pay for their own education using personal funds. We deem these students “Self-Supported.” Students who maintain outside employment are not eligible for Graduate Assistantships. If a self-supported student has a change in employment status they should notify the program if they want to be considered for a Graduate Assistantship.