Appendix A

Degree Requirements

Appendix A - Degree Requirements

Degree Requirements, Pre-Approved Domain Courses and Electives

Select a emphasis area to review specific degree requirements, pre-approved domain courses and electives:


All students with a Graduate Assistantship are required to carry at least nine credits per semester. Course offerings vary from semester to semester and many classes are in high demand. Please be advised that many classes will fill up quickly so it is important that you register for at least nine credits as early as possible prior to every fall and spring semester. Summer registration is not required, and summer tuition is not covered by Computing-funded Graduate Assistantships.

Minimum Grade Expectations

Graduate students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or above. Graduate students with a cumulative GPA that drops below 3.00 at any time must consult with their advisor and the Computing Co-Directors for advice and possible options. If a graduate student's cumulative GPA is below 3.00 at the end of an enrolled semester (including summer), they will be placed on probation. At the end of the next enrolled semester (including summer), the Graduate College reviews the student's progress and takes one of the following actions: removal from probation, continuation on probation or dismissal from the graduate program.

Refer to the Graduate Catalog for the full policy regarding academic performance: