Unit 9.7: Transformation of Western Europe and Russia

Transformation of western europe and russia

Western Europe and Russia transformed politically, economically, and culturally between 1400 and 1750. This transformation included state building, conflicts, shifts in power and authority, and new ways of understanding the world.

Lesson #1: The Renaissance

What was the Renaissance?

Renaissance (Slides)

What was the Renaissance (Docs)

Lesson #2: Italy

What were the geographic and historical circumstances that led to the start of the Renaissance in Italy?

Italy (Slides)

Geographic & Historical Circumstances (Docs)

Lesson #3: Characteristics of Renaissance

What were the characteristics of the Renaissance in Italy?

Characteristics of Renaissance (Slides)

Renaissance Exhibits (Docs)

Lesson #4: Effects of Renaissance

Why and how did the Renaissance spread outside of Italy?

Effects of the Renaissance (Slides)

Renaissance spread outside of Italy (Docs)

Lesson #5: Machiavelli

What does The Prince (1513) reveal about how Machiavelli believed power is gained, maintained, and consolidated?

Machiavelli (Slides)

Machiavelli Close Read (Docs)

Lesson #6: Protestant Reformation

What was the Protestant Reformation? What were the causes?

Protestant Reformation (Slides)

Causes of Reformation (Docs)

Lesson #7: Martin Luther

What effect did Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Elizabeth I have on political and religious unity in Europe?

Martin Luther (Slides)

Political & religious unity in Europe (Docs)

Lesson #8: Counter -Reformation

What was the Counter-Reformation? How did the Counter-Reformation affect Europe?

Counter-Reformation (Slides)

Causes of Counter-Reformation (Docs)

Counter-Reformation - Graphic Organizer (Docs)

Lesson #9: Scientific Revolution

How did people in the Middle Ages view the natural world? How did they determine if something was “true?”

Scientific Revolution (Slides)

Scholars view of the world (Docs)

Lesson #10: Absolutism

What is absolutism? How did absolute monarchs gain, consolidate, and maintain power?

Absolutism (Slides)

What is absolutism? (Docs)

Lesson #11: Louis XIV

Lesson #12: Peter the Great

End of Unit 9.7: Review Materials

End of Unit 9.7: Enduring Issues