Personal, Social and Health Education


Early Years and Infant

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is taught with the goal of preparing students with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and responsible lives. We believe it is important for children to have a clear idea about where they fit into their school, their local community and the global community. At BIS, the PSHE curriculum is taught through the aide memoire attributes; Integrity, Respect, Care, Enquiry, Reflection and Perseverance and at the Early Years and Infant Campus there is a focus on helping children develop the emotional resilience to meet the demand and experiences of everyday life. Children are encouraged to take part in discussions and activities which explore each of area in close detail. We deliver the curriculum through a range approaches such as assemblies, golden times, community partners, community clubs and student leadership, as well as through class-based discussions, circle times and lesson activities.


Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is taught with the goal of preparing students with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live healthy, safe, productive and responsible lives. We believe it is important for children to have a clear idea about where they fit into their school, their local community and the global community. At BIS, the PSHE curriculum is taught through the aide memoire attributes; Integrity, Respect, Care, Enquiry, Reflection and Perseverance and at the Junior Campus there is also a focus on developing children into leaders by giving them opportunities to take on a variety of roles and added responsibilities. Through PSHE, children are encouraged to take part in discussions and activities which explore each of area in close detail. We deliver the curriculum through a range approaches such as assemblies, golden times, community partners, community clubs and student leadership, as well as through class-based discussions, circle times and lesson activities. 

Aims and Objectives

Curriculum - Organisation of PSHE in Primary

Both campuses

Depending on the year group, PSHE is taught for approximately one hour per fortnight. 

How your child will be assessed 

As PSHE is a socio/emotional subject, it is not assessed during the primary years.