Meet the Team

Clare Lowson

Year Group Leader





Christine De Ubago

Precious Cendana

Our Principles

The EYFS framework sets the UK standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. The curriculum is built around four principles.

1. Our Unique Children

We focus on how children develop; we recognise they are all different, but should be treated equally. Positive relationships and good communication are vital. Children need to learn about risks and safety, how to make good choices and how to respect boundaries. We make every attempt to provide full opportunity for each child to do their best and we achieve this by ensuring their physical and emotional needs are met during their time in our EYFS setting.

2. Our Positive Relationships

This theme is about children learning to manage their feelings and build relationships. We respect all kinds of families and aim to develop a positive two-way relationship with parents and carers. We will support, listen and work with the children at BIS to help them learn. 

3. Our Enabling Environments

We plan and check each child's progress and make every attempt to involve parents and the local community. We ensure that inside and outside spaces are safe, interesting, challenging and engaging. We support children working as a team to help them succeed.

4. Learning and Development

At BIS we focus on ensuring young children learn through play and exploration, with support for each individual. We encourage children to develop imagination, to get actively involved in learning and to make decisions. We make every attempt to develop children's creativity and critical thinking, balancing the need for both the children and adults to lead the learning.

What will your child be learning?


The English EYFS Framework explains how and what your child will be learning to support their healthy development. Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning and development. Children should mostly develop the 3 prime area first. These are: 

These prime areas are considered to be the most essential for your child's healthy development and future learning. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas. These are: 

These 7 areas are used to plan your child's learning and activities. At BIS we follow children's interests and have core texts that are taught using Talk for Writing technique. Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active through creative thinking, which takes place both indoors and outdoors.


The experiences of children in F1 are enriched by learning with specialist teachers. Each week the children have:

One 30 minute library session

One 20 minute physical development session

Two 20 minute music sessions 

F1 and specialist teachers work collaboratively so that the specialist lessons are an extension of prior learning and are an enhancement to classroom activities. 

Other important communication tools are:

The weekly update from the Head Teacher is also a  wonderful collection of highlights from the week just completed and are available on the News and Updates section of the school website here. Go back regularly as these pages are updated throughout the week. 

Working together

At BIS we recognise that you are the most important person in your child's life. Therefore we work closely with you and invite you to take part in various activities, including coffee mornings, celebrations, picnics, activity days and much more.

You will be informed of your child's individual progress during the year through parent/teacher meetings and reports. You will be also made aware of your child's next steps in learning and how you can help at home.

If you have any questions about your child's learning and development please speak to their class teacher who will be happy to help.

Play All Day

‘Play’ is a common term used in EYFS. But what does that mean, what does that look like and how do we know children are learning? Combining the expertise of our teachers in observing interests of the children, and our environment, teachers set up playful experiences for the children to ‘play all day’ in a way to ensure that they are active learners and constantly making connections. Teachers enhance play in the moment by adding resources, by joining in play and by modelling language. Teachers take time to understand what children are interested in and how children are playing together before they join in play. They also strive not to direct the play but to empower the children by letting them lead.

Each classroom and ELC is set up to stimulate children in all 7 areas of our learning and to ensure that children have continual access to the toys, games and resources for them to play in the way that they choose. Our timetables are set up to try and allow long periods of uninterrupted play since this is when we know children  can explore concepts at a deeper level.

OUR learning environment

The environment plays an integral role in supporting and extending children’s learning. In F1, areas are designed to support children's physical, emotional and social development. When children feel safe and secure, they are able to explore their play interests and optimise learning. 

In F1, children learn in:

- their classroom

- the garden

- the Early Learning Centre (ELC)

- the soft play area

- the splash pool

-specialist areas, such as the sports hall and library

Age related expectations

It is important to remember that all children are different and do not grow and develop at the same rate. Your child's teacher will  plan engaging and inspiring learning experiences to allow your child to meet the curriculum objectives for their age. 

Our Age Related Expectations, or ARE for short, outline our end of year success criteria for what a child who has been through each phase here at BIS HCMC should expect to be achieving. Progress through the AREs will be shared with parents at various points throughout the year, namely through Parent Teacher Student Conferences (PTSC) and termly reports or updates. Progress through the AREs will be shown using the statements Support (S), Developing (D), Meeting (M) and Exceeding (E).  The AREs provide an excellent opportunity for parents to engage on a much closer basis with the progress being shown by their children, and offer the chance for target setting to become meaningful in order to further develop in any area of the curriculum.

Communication with parents

Here at BIS HCMC, we value the importance of effective communication and the sharing of your child's learning. We use an online learning journal called SeeSaw. Your child's teacher will update your journal weekly which allows you to see the exciting things that your child is doing in F1. We also want to know what your child has been learning at home, therefore we encourage you to add photos of your child's journal too.

Help sheet Parents Start.pdf

Click here to access Seesaw at home: https://app.seesaw.me and then use your login details that will be sent to you from school. Workshops and help sheets will be available - please speak to your class teacher for more information.

What to put in my child's bag


Each week your child will go to the library. They will bring home a book, so please share it with them. You can also access the library before and after school and take out a second book to share at home.


The Music Department at BIS HCMC believes strongly that the Performing Arts play a significant role in your child’s educational journey from FundinoTots to Year 6 and beyond, and every child should be able to fulfil their musical potential. Our overall aim is for the students to develop a lifelong love of music through an enjoyable, immersive and challenging musical curriculum. The curriculum focuses on singing, movement, the playing of different instruments and introducing music theory. During their music lessons students will learn about the elements of music such as pitch, dynamics and tempo, through a variety of practical activities. All students will have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument for at least one year through our whole-class band programme. 

Our collaboration with the world-renowned Juilliard School allows us access to their innovative Creative Classroom, through the exploration of 12 core works and specially-designed creative activities to complement these. This supplements our already rich musical curriculum which features a balance of performing, composing and listening. The Juilliard Creative Classroom encourages the children to develop confidence in the three main areas of ‘ways of doing’, ‘ways of being’ and ‘ways of thinking’ and visits from Juilliard alumni allow the children to see and hear world-class musicians.

In addition to our thriving curriculum music lessons, at BIS HCMC Primary we are able to offer a wide range of extra-curricular musical activities designed to engage as many students as possible and to further extend their creative learning. This includes multiple choirs, orchestras and ensembles. We are also able to provide access to individual instrumental lessons at the school through a team of highly qualified and experienced musicians. Children can start lessons from Year 1 upwards and are strongly encouraged to do so. Many children take advantage of our link with ABRSM to further their progress through this established and respected examination system.