Information and Computer Technology


Early Years and Infant

The aim of ICT within the Early Years Campus at BIS is to help students develop their digital literacy skills by providing them a range of experiences with different technology, so that they are able to intergrate this learning throughout other subject areas. Through learning about Coding, Robotics, Cyber Safety and Digital Presentation skills we want our students to understand that technology is a tool that can assist their learning, do things that were previously impossible and can help them to become problem solvers and critical thinkers.


ICT in the Junior Campus is a progression from the skills they have been developing at the Early Years Campus and the skills and technology becomes more advanced with each year. Students will continue their understanding about Robotics, become more advanced with their coding ability, use technology as a communication and collaboration tool, look at online resources with a critical eye and work to becoming safe and confident digital citizens.

Aims and Objectives

Foundation 3

Foundation 3 is the first year where we have dedicated ICT lessons and these happen every week for 30 minutes and then lessons are supported further with small group lessons in the students classroom. Our goal is to build an understanding of digital technology, look at how it is important in the world today and how we can use it as a tool to learn.

Working in small groups with high teacher to student ratios we learn with a range of tools and devices. We use BeeBots as an introduction to robotics and positional language, various apps and programs to learn about loops and directions events in coding and we use iPads to record and share learning in creative and visual ways. By learning about a range of different applications we believe that we are building a student’s digital toolkit so that they know that they are able to share their learning and understanding in a range of ways like text or image or photo or puppet show.

Years 1 and 2

Year 1 and 2 is when students begin to deeper develop their digital skills and look at the ways that technology is a part of their lives and the world that they live in. Each class has a 45-minute lesson every week and work with teachers, their peers and technology to share, collaborate and problem solve.

Cyber safety is a constant area of learning throughout the year and we look at on protection of personal information and keeping cyber safe. Using iPads, students look at how they can create digital content and share their learning through photo, text and video. They will investigate coding through a range of plugged and unplugged tasks, learning about loops and commands and how to make a simple program and follow an algorithm.  BeeBots, BlueBots and Dash and Dot are their gateway into Robotics and in lessons they will look at how they can control and program these robots to meet a set goal or solve a problem that they face.

Years 3 and 4

In Year 3 and 4 students have begun to use technology as a tool to aid their learning, but still spend time developing their skill set and advancing their understanding of technology in the world around them and how it affects their lives. At the start of Year 3 students are given their personal email account and this allows them access to the full range of Google Apps for Education and is an introduction to cloud based learning – the classroom is no longer restrained by 4 walls.

Emails, cloud storage, collaborative documents and greater access to the Internet means that we look closely about what we need to do in order to become digital citizens, what is safe to share online and the ways that we need to act in a digital environment. Our robotics takes the next step from simple movements and we incorporate Lego WeDo 2.0, which adds motors and sensors to our robotic creations. We continue to learn about coding and use a coding language called Blockly and a program called Scratch to create video games and animations. We use a combination of devices to create digital content and share our learning by working on projects in areas such as animation, short movies, collaborative presentations and digital story telling.

Years 5 and 6

In Year 5 and 6 students work in a 1 to 1 bring your own device environment and integrate the use pf technology across all subject areas. They also have 60 minutes of designated ICT teaching each week and learn a range of skills they can apply to all learning areas as well as getting the opportunity to investigate future focused technology areas like digital design and advanced robotics.

Year 5 and 6 students continue to develop their game design and coding skills, but they also begin to look at physical coding and technology design through the use of micro controllers like the MakeyMakey and the Micro:bit. Robotics becomes even more complex with the use of Lego EV3 robots that have a greater range of sensors, such as sound, touch and infrared and give students an opportunity to program robots in a greater range of scenarios. We also introduce digital design at Year 5 and 6 and we use CAD software to prototype digital objects then print them on our 3D printers. In addition to all of this we look at collaborative ways we can work together to create digital artifacts such as film, websites, presentations and text. 

Curriculum - Organisation of ICT in Primary

Early Years & Infant Campus

Junior Campus

How your child will be assessed 

ICT- All Year Groups