Physical Education


Physical Education is a fundamental part of the curriculum at BIS with every pupil having two lessons a week with a specialist P.E. teacher. The curriculum covered is broad and balanced allowing pupils to grow physically, mentally and socially. The lessons will develop motor skills, tactics and strategies, assessing performance, and sportsmanship. 

Physical Education at BIS allows pupils to learn about a healthy, active lifestyle in a fun and dynamic way, and is delivered through a range of different sports such as basketball, athletics, swimming and outdoor pursuits. 

Pupils are encouraged to try new activities and stay as active as possible. There are a large number of clubs on offer to accommodate all age ranges and abilities, focusing on skill development and enjoyment. For our elite athletes we also run a range of squads and teams, giving them the opportunity to play in a competitive environment and with a greater emphasis on performance, whilst still having fun!

As a department we have high expectations, and expect all pupils to participate at all times, and in the appropriate full kit. This includes bringing a hat and water bottle to every lesson. 

Aims and Objectives


Teachers will foster an environment where students are learning the key skills of the lesson whilst being physically and intellectually stimulated in a fun and safe atmosphere. 

To implement the above mission statement, the Physical Education at BIS HCMC will encourage students to:


Emphasis should be not only placed on the actual performance aspect of the subject, but also to teach students the importance of understanding how and why we participate, as well as other roles in sport and not just the performer. This should lead to lifelong participation in a range of sports. 

The following requirements apply to the teaching of Physical Education across all classes.

To promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles, pupils are taught:

To develop positive attitudes, pupils are taught:

To ensure safe practice, pupils are taught:

To ensure lifelong participation in sport, pupils are taught or encouraged:


The linked document below outlines the Physical Education (PE) provision for each year group here at BIS HCMC. Scroll through to find relevant year group. 

PE Provision

How your child will be assessed

We assess whether children are meeting or exceeding their age related expectations  (AREs) or need extra support in each activity. 

Each child’s progress is measured throughout the year using topic specific learning outcomes. These AREs can be accessed on the following document.

PE - All Year Groups


As well as a plethora of Extra-Curricular clubs which have a sport and action focus, FOBISIA Games and the NAE SEA Games also provide us with a competitive element for the year.  These events are very time demanding from a child's perspective, but the thrill of competing and representing BIS HCMC overseas make these events hugely popular and incredibly rewarding. Make sure you keep an ear out for the try-outs and get your child involved.