

“Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.”

National Curriculum in England

At BIS we ensure the provision of an appropriately challenging mathematical curriculum. We stimulate and promote the child’s natural curiosity and offer our students the opportunity to struggle and enjoy the ensuing sense of achievement that mathematical problems uniquely provide. Children at BIS develop an understanding that truth in mathematics is established by deductive reasoning rather than opinion. As such, verbal reasoning comprises an essential element of our teaching and we believe children should develop the confidence to exchange questions and evaluate strategies to clarify and deepen their own conceptual understanding. 

Our calculation policy serves as guidance for progression in written calculations, but we encourage children to expand both their written and mental calculation strategies. We encourage parents to support both taught methods and equip their children with strategies that draw from their own childhood or culture. We encourage flexibility in mathematical reasoning and allow children to reflect and improve upon their mistakes and misconceptions and foster a realisation that these are often an essential part of the learning process.   

At BIS we firmly believe that no child’s mathematical ability is fixed and everyone can make progress. We provide a rich curriculum that encourages lateral and logical thinking encompassing all elements of mathematical reasoning. Within this, consideration is given to wherever the children currently are according to their levels of understanding and confidence.  Thus those children requiring additional support, whether in terms of language or confidence, are differentiated for in addition to those requiring extension above the core curriculum. 

We aim to provide rich mathematical learning experiences, practically applied wherever possible, to develop their accuracy, efficiency and flexibility. Our children realise the importance of applying their mathematical understanding in real life situations and that what they learn today, will prepare them for their tomorrows. 

Aims and Objectives

Progress and attainment - Age related expectations (ARE)

The following document lists all of our Maths Age Related Expectations in one easy to follow document. On this document you are able to clearly see the progression from Year 6 down Year 1.

AREs Maths - All Year Groups


EY & I
