Have you ever heard about FCA? Well I hadn't until I moved up to Horizon. I think that it's about time that you are informed about it too, just like I was once.

FCA is a really fun organization and it (if you don't already know) stands for 'Fellowship of Christian Athletes.' FCA meets every Wednesday at room 204 (Baron Blanchard's Classroom) located upstairs in Team Quest. We start at about 7:25 and end at 7:55 AM. FCA was created back in 1954, so it has been around for a pretty long time. It was created by Don McClanen in Kansas City, MO intending to be a Christian club that all kids are welcome to attend. The main goal behind FCA is to be an organization where athletes and some non-athletes can get together to fellowship, learn and grow in character, do small service projects (ex. "Operation Christmas Child"), and make friends .

FCA is not just about teaching and bible studies, it just as well contains many fun, vigorous activities such as, "Fields of Faith, Trunk or Treat, Around the Pole," and much more. We also have Lock-Ins at churches/etc... which we plan to have ours next year (2018) on either January 12th or 18th. We are not too sure the place yet, but come to FCA and you'll find out. At lock-ins, we play predator with light sabers (in the dark), have bible studies, eat food (pizza, cookies, chips, pop, cake, and more), 9-square, and possibly cops and robbers. Doesn't this all sound so fun? If you do plan to come, wear bright-colored clothes :). Don't worry if it is too late to join, Century has FCA too, which Travis Rau helps run it there. So, why not come the next time you have school on a Wednesday to see how you like it. Once again, what is FCA? I guess everyone has their own thoughts and opinions about this extracurricular activity, but most would agree that it is fun.

Here is two sites that you can go to, to see even more of the action:

  1. http://www.fca.org/what-is-fca
  2. http://www.fcand.org/

The picture on the left is Baron Blanchard. He has FCA held in his classroom. We give a big thanks to him for taking time to be involved. To find what his thoughts were, we decided to conduct and interview with him on December 13th, 2017. Here is what the questions are and his response:

  • Question 1: How long have been with FCA group?

He said, " At HMS: 2005 when we started a Huddle

Total: I joined my college Huddle Cica 2001"

  • Question 2: What do you most enjoy about FCA?

He said, " Watching students enjoy fellowship led by their peers in a safe environment."

  • Question 3: How did you find out about FCA?

He said, " Friends of mine in college invited me to attend a meeting."

  • Question 4: Would you recommend kids to go to FCA and if so, why?

He said, " Tricky question….FCA is open to any student (regardless of sport or level of activity) who is interested in fellowship (friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests) with students looking to strengthen their Christian faith through student led, Bible based lessons. There is no “joining.” Students show up when they can. Every Wednesday we have school at 7:30 am in Quest 204."

  • Question 5: What is the most interesting experience that you had with FCA?

He said, " I was interviewed for the Bis. Tribune….the opinion section of the online version featured a BSC professor who ripped me down pretty hard. It was cool to see members of the community come to my defense, although the accuser has yet to introduce himself (or herself….they used a pseudonym) in person."

Here are some photos of the events in FCA.

Written by Zechariah Bitz- "Hope you like it and was persuaded"

Edited by Ethan Thompson- "Well, now I know what FCA is"

Communications and Collaborations (2-4B)