Hamilton Homework Remix

Welcome to the Hamilton Homework Remix! For each night in this unit, you’ll either be:

(1): Reading excerpts from the Hamilton libretto, or (2). Listening to the Hamilton soundtrack, or (3) Doing some mixture of both of the above (your call).

And when you’re done listening / reading, you have a choice to complete any one of the six achievements listed below. You may complete these achievements in any order that you'd like -- but you may only complete each achievement once.

For each achievement, you are responsible for composing three paragraphs per night or uploading a video reflection of 2-3 minutes. Post all reflections to as new sub-pages to your Google Site, and always be sure to include specific references to text evidence, using time stamps from online videos where appropriate, and page numbers from the printed document when you cite. For example → (Miranda 86)

ETHOS: Pick any character and use as many of the songs from one night's reading as you'd like to get inside of this character's head space. What is this person fighting for? Who are they fighting with? How does the character build his/her ethos or destroy the ethos of their rival?

LOGOS: Pick any character and use as many of the songs from one night's reading as you'd like to try and trace this character's line of thinking. What is his/her argument, specifically? What is their logical chain of reasoning for believing the things that they do?

PATHOS: Pick any character and use as many of the songs from one night's reading as you'd like. What emotions is this character trying to evoke? How does the character's word choice win people to their cause? How are they getting listeners emotionally invested?

POE(TRY): Pick a single song from one night's reading, and dig deep into the poetic techniques that the author has employed. Find examples of no less than ten different poetic techniques in this selection. Break your reflection into three chunks by: SOUND, STRUCTURE, STYLE.

FLOW: Pick a single song from one night's reading. Find the corresponding video online and reflect on the music that accompanies the words sung or spoken in this selection. How does the music used to accompany the words enhance its intended purpose? Include timestamps.

YO!: Pick a single song from one night's reading. This is your chance to really dig in to the wordplay, artistry, and "battle" rap techniques that the composer has employed! What lines stand out to you as the strongest? Which words are the most loaded? Explain your thinking.