Dimension 2.4 SAMR

Dimension 2.4

"The Teacher:

  • Adapts lessons with a wide variety of instructional strategies to address individual needs of all students.
  • Consistently monitors the quality of student participation and performance.
  • Always provides differentiated instructional methods and content to ensure students have the opportunity to master what is being taught.
  • Consistently prevents student confusion or disengagement by addressing learning and/or social/emotional needs of all students."

SAMR: Possible considerations for Dimension 2.4

  • Is technology used to add complexity, depth, and cross-curricular connections to student learning?
  • Can assignments, activities, and assessments be completed without technology and maintain the same level of rigor and relevance?
  • Can students Google answers to questions or must they apply previous knowledge and research to create their own answers to questions or problems?
  • Are students asked to solve authentic, real-world problems?
  • Are students provided with all materials or are they encouraged to research and find answers on their own?
  • Are products identical (30 of the same thing) or are they individualized based on student choices?
  • Following the swimming pool method, does the teacher accurately assess student needs and adjust delivery accordingly to meet students needs where they are and move them forward to a higher level of thinking and learning?