Dimension 2.2 SAMR

Dimension 2.2

"The Teacher:

  • Integrates learning objectives with other disciplines, content areas and real-world experience.
  • Consistently provides opportunities for students to use different types of thinking (e.g., analytical, practical, creative and research-based)."

SAMR: Possible considerations for Dimension 2.2

  • Is technology used to add complexity, depth, and cross-curricular connections to student learning?
  • Can assignments, activities, and assessments be completed without technology and maintain the same level of rigor and relevance?
  • Can students Google answers to questions or must they apply previous knowledge and research to create their own answers to questions or problems?
  • Are students asked to solve authentic, real-world problems?
  • Are students provided with all materials or are they encouraged to research and find answers on their own?
  • Are products identical (30 of the same thing) or are they individualized based on student choices?