
Step 4: see a list of tools.

Gamification incorporates game-design elements into lessons and academic concepts. Gamified instruction typically allow students to select a challenge and then cycle through an attempt-fail-succeed cycle until the challenge is overcome. In each attempt-fail-succeed cycle, well-designed gamification provides students valuable experience needed to triumph over an obstacle and advance. Participants are typically rewarded for selecting more rigorous tests. Rewards can be something as simple as an online badge.

Possible Tools

Need help? BISD's Learning Technologies Department is happy to help you learn any of the tools listed below. Feel free to schedule an appointment with the LT Coach assigned to your campus today. Or, if you prefer to explore on your own, check out the resources and how-to materials assembled here.

Step 5: Click a Dimension to review possible considerations.

Gamification can be utilized within several T-TESS Dimensions. Please select a dimension below to view possible considerations when gamifying lessons in your class:

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