Q: What does ML/ELL Mean?

A. Multilingual Learners (MLs) refers to all children and youth who are, or have been, consistently exposed to multiple languages or language variations.  These students are also often referred to as English Language Learners (ELLs), Academic Language Learners (ALLs), English as a Second Language  (ESL), or Limited English Proficient (LEP). 

Q: What is a heritage Langauge?

A. "A term used to identify langauges other than the dominant language (langauges) in a given social context" in the US English is the primary language--so any other langauge is considered "hertiage" language. 

People may have various levels of proficiency (fluent, able to listen and understand or no language, but connection to the culture, family and/or community where it is spoken).  

In BPS--many of our identified students are hertiage speakers and may have families with ties to Indigenous, Spanish or other communities. 

Read more here

Q: How can i communicate with families who speak another language?

Talking Points Logo. It features 2 speech bubbles.

A. Home Communication

Talking Points--Teachers can use the free app. It will allow teachers and families to communicate by translating it. Teachers can send message in English--Families receive the message in their language.  **It is very similar to REMIND in a lot of ways. 

or Intrepretation services

Propio Language--District paid interpreter service for Parent Teacher meetings, IEP meetings, and such.

Over 300 languages! 

Directions can be found here.

Q: We are reading ______, how do i get a translated copy?

A: Translated novels

We are building the collection of other languages with the help of our SD2 librarians. 

LOOK before you Buy!

Look in the SD2 Library catalog. Watch this video to learn How to find translated novels (and graphic novels) in BPS Library Search 

 If not available, please complete Request for ML/EL Additional Novels 

Q: What supports are in my curriculum books already?

A: curriculum textbooks or workbooks

Scaffolding Tools embedded in most of the curriculum. Check teacher guides. Online texts are often able to have AI translation turned on. 

 Some have already translated text/workbooks--reach out to you ML/EL Instructional Coach for help!

Can I just give Pass/Fail grades? 

Short answer....No.

Please see our section on Grading in the ML/ELs in my class.