Kindergarten Grade Curriculum


Grade 1-2 - Week 1.pdf

This is the week #1 curriculum - a lot of your players may well be new to soccer, so keeping it fun and developing a love of the game is the most important role for us as coaches.  Also part of it is developing FUNdamentals and A, B , Cs (agility, balance, coordination)

Many players this age prefer fun tag games or similar around soccer, rather than playing direct scrimmaging, which is what older kids will want to do.  

Tail Tag encourages players to be comfortable with the ball at their feet, keep their heads up, and change direction and speed to protect their tails.  This is a fun guided discovery game where players develop their skills without realizing it.

Dinosaur Tag continues them in another tag game that is 1v1 - encourage small touches, changes of direction, and using both feet.  Try to bring the game to life with dinosaurs, allow them to make dinosaur noises for extra fun!

We finish with a small-sided scrimmage game to give them a chance to see how a soccer scrimmage game looks like.

Week 2

1-2 Grades - Week 2.pdf

This is the week #2 curriculum that continues to focus our players on developing their dribbling skills.

We can start with a small-sided scrimmage as players arrive to get them playing, warmed up, and getting touches on the ball.  Keep player numbers small, and have two 2v2 games, rather than one 4v4 game.

Followed by a freeze tag.  Tag games in different forms will continue to be a theme.  Just keep an eye on that players do not tag too rough.

Next, we play the Numbers Game where we want to think a little bit about even matchups.  Try to get your more experienced players matched up against each other, but do this quietly. We want to isolate 1v1 situations putting the onus on dribbling.   At this age, as much as practical we want to keep the focus on dribbling, so get things 1v1 and think about getting good match-ups where possible.

We can finish with a small-sided game.


K-Grade - Week 3.pdf

We continue to mix up the fun games based around soccer.  At this point you might begin to see your players express games that are their favorites, feel free to move and adapt a practice plan to let them decide what games to play.  The players having fun is the #1!

Games for today - Simon Says, Hospital Tag and Minions.  All fairly simple fun games that players this age usually enjoy.  Generally, this age want to play different fun games, but move on to something new.
Try to have 3-4 fun games to utilize - by week 3 you will begin to have a better understanding of what your players like, but don't be afraid to ask the what they want to play.

You can finish with a scrimmage game at the end.


K-Grade - Week 4.pdf

Building on the fun games of previous week we add
a) Red Light, Green Light - use your imagtination, use as many different colored lights as you like.  Ask the kids for their favorite color, and ideas for what to incorporate depending on the color.

Two more dribbling games - Island hopping and freeze tag.  Keep things 1 player, 1 ball

Keep helping them to be more comfortable with a ball at their feet and look for changes f direction and change of speed.  Be super positive when players to things well and/or work hard.

Option to finish with a small sided game.


K-Grade - Week 5.pdf

Week 5 - more fun tag games - Tail Tag and Dinosaur Tag will start practice off well.  After a month of doing practices, it can be a bit more challenging to keep the energy up, but try to keep things fun and energetic as the coaching lead.

Duel is a 1v1 game where the ball starts off being jammed between the two players as they stand close back to back.  This can be fun, especially if you can get friends playing with each other.

Rather than a scrimmage, finish with the Numbers game.  To make it look more like a scrimmage situation focus today on calling more than one number, so the game can be 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4.  Keep mixing that up so that all players get the opportunity for rest breaks.


K-Grade - Week 6.pdf

Week 6 we re-visit some of our previous games with Simon Says  Minions and Hospital Tag.
Having already done these games you might want to tweak the rules/game based on how. you thought this went the first time around you played it with your group.  The kids might have also nudged you with "their" rules, don't be afraid to try stuff.  If something works, great, if it doesn't not just try something else.  No worries, just remember players AND coaches learn from trying different things.

Finish with a small sided scrimmage.


K- Grade - Week 7.pdf

Taills Tag, Freeze Tag and Duel are the dribbling games focus for week 7.

Continue that focus on developing their dribbloing skills, enjoyment of the game whilst at the same time nurturing their social skills to be good friends, good team mates and supportive of each other

Try to keep connecting with each player, some will be quieter, so just keeping them engaged and finding the solution to their enjoyment of play.


K I D S.   C H O I C E !!!!

They get to choose the games they want to play.