Soccer Activities II

"Snakes & Gates"

Create enough games that players are not going towards the same gate. I've put a three cone gate in the middle to allow two exit points, and also made some gates wider than others.  Allow the kids to experience going through the gates and then create races: 

"Race without balls then add balls"
"How many gates in 20 sec"
" First to go through 20 gates",
"Players need to do the "spot light activity" through each gate"

Race Like a Snake...moving the ball with the inside and outside of the foot!

"Relay to Goal"
Split kids into groups of 2-3
Coaches can join in!
Groups should have equal # of soccer balls,  allowing each kid to score at least twice per relay race. 
Race without any obstacles, then add a few cones for the players to have to run around.
Another option would be to create a small box, where the player needs to attempt the spot light activity on their way to scoring! 

Dribble, Pass + Shoot
Set up two areas

Player 1; dribble towards player 2 (passes), player 2 dribbles towards player 3 (passes),
player 3 dribbles to goal and shoots!

Set-up Race: First team to 5 goals

Allow the players to nominate two
"Workers of the Week"

Snakes & Gates + 1

Create enough games that players are not going towards the same gate. I've put a three cone gate in the middle to allow two exit points, and also made some gates wider than others.  Allow the kids to experience going through the gates and then create races: 

"Race without balls then add balls"
"How many gates in 20 sec"
" First to go through 20 gates",
"Players need to do the "spot light activity" through each gate"

Race Like a Snake...moving the ball with the inside and outside of the foot!

Snake & Gates with a Friend
Pass through the gate and dribble to another gate.....repeat!

"Relay to Goal"
Split kids into groups of 2-3
Groups should have equal # of soccer balls,  allowing each kid to score at least twice per relay race. 
Race without any obstacles, then add a few cones for the players to have to run around.
Another option would be to create a small box, where the player needs to attempt the spot light activity on their way to scoring! 

Turn & Defend with Distancing

Remind player to spread out when in lines, this activity should move fast once it gets going.

Team 'A' player dribbles to the shooting zone, then shoots (they can score in either goal), following their shot they move to the defending zone, where they try and defend the next attacker (team b). If a defender is able to block a shot, they are allowed to freely dribble back to the goal next to the starting lines and score.

First team to 10 goals wins!

Dribble, Dribble & Shoot

One coach leads the activity and the other is Goalkeeper.

First player dribble to edge of box, player two dribbles into the box and shoots. As player is dribbling into box opposite side player (1) begins to dribble.

Add various combinations .

First team to 10 goals wins!

Play 2-3 times