How quickly will emails be returned?

I strive to answer the same day, depending on when the email hits my inbox.  If your email is not answered the day you send it you should get something from me the next day (even if it is that I need more time to gather what you need).  

What if I would rather have a conversation (phone/google meet)?

Phone calls can be a challenge to time with the class schedule.  However if that is the best mode of communication, we can email and set a date/time that works for us to talk on the phone or a google meet. 

Understanding Infinite Campus (IC) for Ms. Weaver's classes...

If a student turns in an assignment and I cannot grade it that day, I will mark it turned in.  Turned in temporarily removes that assignment from grade calculations.  If a student does not turn it in, I will mark it missing, so it shows in the portal as missing work.  Missing calculates the assignment as a zero, until it is turned in and recoded.  Occasionally circumstances and the nature of an assignment make it necessary to exempt a student, that means that assignment is not factored into the marking period average for any student whose assignment I mark as X on the teacher's side of IC.  

I believe information is invaluable so, I will often leave comments on individual assignments for individual student (ex. answered 3 of 5 questions, original score 10/15 retake completed {date}).  Sometimes the comments are broad. (ex. "If you did not earn a 5/5, you may edit and resubmit by {date}.)

What is google classroom?

 Google classroom is our online "room".  Announcements, resources, handouts and important dates are all quickly accessible to students anywhere they have internet access.  There is an app for their smart phone.  They can log on from a tablet or home computer.  Students can use any computer that has internet, for example a computer at the public library, or Uncle Bernie's old desktop.  All they need is their school gmail address (____@students.bhasd.org) and their password.  Each assignment or assessment that is entered will automatically be entered on a calendar that makes tracking what is upcoming super easy!  (Click here to watch a 4 min video about google classroom's features!)

Are all assignments on google classroom?

No, sometime we have physical worksheets to give students a break from "screen time".  

Can parents have access to the google classroom?

  Sort of... Well if your child is "always" logged in on your home device, you can view the classroom as your child.  If not, then no. There is no parent log in.  HOWEVER, Google has made it possible for parents to receive an email update about what is going on in the Google classrooms in which their child is enrolled.  If you have signed up to get these emails in a previous school year and your email address has not changed, you should continue to get the emails but for the "new" school year.  If you do not currently get these emails and you would like to,  simply contact one of your child's teachers, who uses Google classroom and ask for a parent invite.  Click here for a video look at the parent summary options, you can watch from 2 min 20 sec if you are pressed for time.)

Do you have a question not addressed here?  If so, please email me so I can answer you directly!