Lettuce Grow Farmstand

The Farmstand


This hydroponic system was donated to the school through the Whole Kids Grow With Us grant program that faculty members applied for during the 2020-2021 school year.

If you're interested in one, lettuce know, because we have a friend code that will give back to the school!

The Greenhouse Club!

The Greenhouse club worked as a team to assemble and start the growing process. This involved putting the base and tiers together, installing the pump and adding water. Then they had to test the PH of the water and adjust it to an optimum level and add nutrients to feed the plants! They continue to maintain this tower as part of club meetings.

The Boxes

The school has been installing a pollinator garden along our nature trail. The boxes that the Farmstand was shipped in became part of this pollinator garden and will become mulch to prevent weeds growing and habitat for seeds and flowers in the spring!

How it Began in November 2021

Look at it now! DECEMBER 1st, 2021!