Clubs and Activities

What are clubs and activities in high school?

After school clubs and activities have been an important part of the “American High School Experience” for several generations. Another word for them is “extracurricular activities.” As such, they are created to give students learning experiences not found during the regular school day.

Function and importance of clubs and activities

They have many different functions depending on the student. For many, they are a way for friends to join together and to talk about or gain skills in something they're passionate about. For others, it's to build relationships and create networks and skills for their future. Certain clubs and activities can also be an impressive addition to a college resume or job application.

How important are high school clubs? Your participation in clubs can hone your communication skills, foster creative thinking, and teach you how to work effectively with other people. Your involvement in extracurricular activities is one of the few ways that colleges can gain insights into your personality, which is an important factor in the university admissions process in the United States. Because extracurriculars can take a lot of time—and because your time in high school is precious—you’ll want to be strategic about which clubs to join. If you take on increasing responsibility and achieve success, your extracurricular involvement will not only help you get into college—it could even help you pay for college! Ultimately, high school clubs are as important as you make them.

This site will give you some more information about choosing the right club and if clubs are for you.

Here is another site that gives some things to think about when joining clubs or activities.

Clubs and Activities at BHS

Here is a link to the current list of clubs and activities at BHS. this list should also be in your advisory's Google Classroom.