Beverly High School

Welcome to the EL/FEL Resource Page!

This site was created as a “one-stop-shop” for information and resources relevant to our EL students and families new to Beverly and the U.S. It is our goal to empower EL students and families with the information needed to succeed and make the most out of the American high school experience here at Beverly High School. We also hope to increase the engagement of our EL families in the Beverly community.

This site was also created knowing that the families of FEL students may still require support to navigate American high school life, regardless of the linguistic ability of their child. This site will provide access to the same information as current EL students, even after a child has exited the EL program.

This site includes information such as:

  • ESL and core course explanations

  • Graduation requirements

  • Information about higher level academic courses

  • Services offered at our school

  • Applications in home languages for various school services such as our laptop program

  • Information about extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs

  • Important events and milestones based on year in high school

  • Outreach opportunities and public services offered in the Beverly community

Some notes:

This site will work best on Chrome where Google Translate can automatically translate each page. Forms are "View Only" and must be copied to edit. Please use the menus at the top of the site or below for navigation. Download our Talking Points app (widget below) to keep in touch with your child's teachers in your home language. And don't forget to follow BHS with our social media accounts below!