More Scholarship Search Sites

The Best Scholarship Search Platforms

Check this site out before you spend time looking at these individual sites, for reviews of content and easy of use.

In alphabetical order:

This search site is targeted to underrepresented students and students who are thinking about studying abroad. Interesting site, especially for diversity studies.

American Indian Alaska Native Scholarships

Here is a list of postsecondary scholarship opportunities for American Indian Alaska Native students posted on the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission website. There are additional opportunities posted as well.

The American Indian Graduate Center

The Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund

The APISF strives to ensure APIAs have access to higher education and resources that cultivate their academic, personal and professional success regardless of their ethnicity, national origin or financial means. Our mission is to make a difference in the lives of APIA students by providing them with resources that increase their access to higher education which serves as the foundation for their future success and contributions to a stronger America.

CIS (Career Information System — Oregon Career Information System)

Check with Mrs. W for our general user name and password.

Next create your own career planning portfoilo

Check under the category Exploration Tools, choose Financial Aid Sort


College search, scholarship screens, info blogs and more!

FastWEb has tons of information for students and parents about funding sources, including scholarships, internships, part-time jobs, financial advice and more! When you set up a free account and log in, you’ll see a dashboard detailing profile completeness, scholarship counts and upcoming deadlines to help you manage all that Fastweb has to offer. You will also see yournewest scholarship matches, jobs and internship matches and expert financial aid advice in “Kantro’s Picks”.


Nicknamed The SmartStudentTM Guide to Financial Aid, this search site is a quick reference to scholarships (and how to avoid scams); loan explanations; tons of budget, tax, financial loan FAQs (frequently asked questions), calculators — all presented in an easy to understand and navigate format.

GearUp Website

Many, MANY scholarships listed here, and most of them are open to WHS students!

Get Schooled

This site has more preparation info than we can list here! College Knowledge, Future Focus, Life Skills, Make the Grade, Passion in Action and more — all presented in news-flash fashion and in short articles that are quick to read and easy to enjoy. Check it out!

Going Merry

This website screens through national scholarship data bases to find best matches for you, and then you can apply through this single portal. It helps you keep track of those to which you have applied, and also makes it easy to upload your transcript, letters of rec, etc. to a “common” platform.


GoodCall integrates data and technology to make finding scholarships easier for students and their families. And, unlike other scholarship search sites, we’re totally free and open – no fee or account sign-up required. View thousands of scholarships, filter results by specific requirements, and even search by competition level and entry difficulty.

High Five Scholarships

This data-base will generate hundreds of scholarship possibilities, and you sort through to find your best-best. High Five also gives students free SAT and ACT strategy guides and online practice tests that are graded by a real person and include a free test consultation with a test expert.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund’s (HSF) mission is to strengthen America by advancing the college education of Hispanic Americans. Their website has a search that includes multiple scholarships specific to students of Hispanic heritage.

MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense & Education Fund)

While this scholarship list is compiled by the MALDEF, many of these are open to recent immigrants from all countries of origin, who may otherwise be ineligible for traditional college funding.

A comprehensive directory of merit scholarships and academic scholarships from colleges across the country.

Military Officers Association of America

If you are a a child or grandchild of someone who served in the USA military, this site can help you find scholarships, grants, or loans available to the military community. Remember: the more criteria selected in this search engine, the more specific your results will be.

Money Geek has a searchable scholarship database as well as other financial resources. Be sure to check out the data bases specific to your career goals.

Native American College Fund

The American Indian College Fund provides scholarship support to each tribal college, and also administers several scholarship programs offered to American Indian students attending tribal colleges and state and private universities.


Help with career info, college search, and finding scholarships. This site is super-easy and fun to use, too!

The Oregon Community Foundation

Committed to helping students statewide, the OCF administers many of the scholarship opportunities available through the Oregon eApp, and they also administer specific scholarships to which you need to separately apply. For example, if you are a female intending to attend Portland Community College (Deborah Fehnel Bosworth Scholarship), or your ethnic heritage is Scottish (St. Andrew’s Society Scholarship) or Native American (Verl and Dorothy Miller Native American Vocational Scholarship) you may be eligible for OCF administrated special scholarships.

Resource For High School Students: Paying For College, The Native American Version

More an e-book than an actual search site, this is a good, quick scholarship and opportunities resource.


You might have heard of Sallie Mae®. It’s the nation’s leading provider of student loans and administrator of college savings plans. They also manage an easy to navigate comprehensive FREE scholarship search site.

Lots of unusual yet fun scholarship opportunities.

Search for scholarships based on a variety of factors, all specific to you and your talents, interests, and skills.

Scholarships, Internships, and Fellowships for Latino Students

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) is proud to

present the National Directory of Scholarships, Internships, and

Fellowships for Latino Students. This represents the 6th edition of

this valuable resource, the only publication of its kind to provide a

comprehensive list of scholarships, internships, and fellowships

targeting Latino students and young professionals.

Scholarships 4

Screened in a way that makes finding your possible scholarships easy, this is a quick, fun site to visit for scholarship info.


Packed with easy-to-interact information about career skills sets, careers and salaries, and — of course! — scholarships, this site is updated frequently, so you’ll want to check back often.


A high energy scholarship (and college!) search site, using this might help you uncover some hidden scholarship-gems that are just right for you!

United Negro College Fund

UNCF administers more than 400 scholarship, fellowship and institutional grants that support students at the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. While UNCF was founded to address inequities in the educational opportunities afforded to African Americans, UNCF believes in higher education opportunities for all Americans. UNCF-member schools do not discriminate and UNCF-administered scholarships are open to all.


Based on their comprehensive student profile, Zinch can match students to any scholarship out there. Students tell Zinch who they are…and we hook them up with scholarships that matter. Also a school-match site, Zinch is one resource you’ll want to check out.