Volunteering: A GREAT Way To Gain Experience

At a jobs fair, the keynote speaker asked, “Who here has your job now because you first volunteered?” and more than half of the participants raised their hands.

Volunteering is a powerful tool for career exploration, job experience, making career connections — and is a way for you to make a real difference in your community.

What: A data base of volunteer opportunities.

How: Search for opportunities in your city or town.

CLIKE HERE to explore www.justserve.org today!

What: Another data base of volunteer opportunities.

How: Search for opportunities in your city or town.

CLIKE HERE to explore www.volunteermatch.org today!

What: Another data base of volunteer opportunities. This site was developed by a student at Thurston High School, and is specific to volunteer resources specific to students between the ages of 13-17.

CLICK HERE to visit the www.teenservice.weebly.com website.