Step 5: Where’s The $$$?

Just where IS the money going to come from, anyway? (‘Cause you know it doesn’t grow on trees!) The good news is there ARE funding sources out there — of course, there’s more aid for some than for others.

But there will be none for you, if you don’t TRY!

It’s going to take a bit of work on both our parts to snag what you need to make your dreams come true. Here’s some of what we’ll be offering in the upcoming year:

  • Step-by-step instructions for applying for financial aid.

  • A database of available scholarship & grants UPDATED DAILY.

  • Funding sources for special needs and circumstances.

  • Help filling out your actual FAFSA forms and scholarship applications.

  • Assistance understanding and comparing your financial aid offers.

  • Tips on how to avoid scholarship scams.

And more!