Step 3: Tests & Exams

There are a variety of exams you might consider taking in preparing for your college career:

Placement Tests

If you are considering attending Lane Community College post-high school, or if you are seeking college credit for courses taken while still attending high school, you may need to take the Lane Community College Placement Tests. Visit Lane Community College's Testing website to see if you need to take the placement test.

The ACT and SATs

Some 2-year, most 4-year, and most private schools usually require prospective students to take either the SAT Test and/or the ACT Exam. While both the SAT and the ACT are intended to measure the same thing (your readiness to succeed in college), they are structured and scored differently. Your best bet is to go to the college and university websites of your choice to learn what their particular guidelines and preferences are.

What’s The Difference Between The ACT and The SAT?

In many cases, your choice of which exam to take, and which scores to ultimately submit, will be based on your personal exam-style preferences. Click here to see more information.