Be a Green Teacher Leader

This position is open to any staff in Bethel School District, 1 per building, up to 7 buildings. The leader will be in charge of a group of students (the green team) that will meet at least twice monthly whether it be during lunch, after school, or whatever time works for each building. It is meant to be a student driven team or club, in which students will decide what it is their building needs or could do better in terms of waste reduction and making the school “greener”

The Green Teacher Leader Must:

Meet at least bi-monthly with their group
Set goals and a plan for meeting them
Turn in a progress memo(stating goals, explanation of what has been done to date with the group, degree to which the goals have been accomplished, plans for completing goals by the end of the year) to the coordinator (Cathy Bechen) by January 21st, 2023.
Meet with the coordinator 1-3 times a year to discuss projects, progress, May presentation to the city.
1-2 groups of students under the Green Teacher Leader will possibly present in May to the City of Eugene on what was accomplished over the year.

A stipend of $500.00 will be paid at the end of the school year.