Desired Behavior: 

Participates In Classroom Discussion

Observed Behavior: Hesitant or Fails to Participate in Classroom Discussion

Positive reinforcement Provide positive reinforcement in terms of verbal praise, small breaks, or a tangible item. Let students know that you see them working toward target behaviors/peer interaction.

Wait time Pause while speaking to encourage students to add their thoughts. Allow students to finish their responses fully before responding. Ask other students or group members to do the same.

Individual conversation Spend time having individual conversations with students about classroom topics to increase comfort and confidence in content. 

Reduce competition Limit the focus on competition in the classroom to prevent students feeling stressed or anxious. 

Discussion of classroom respect Discuss with students the importance of respecting all the ideas of members of the class. 

Nonverbal signals Create a nonverbal signal with students to remind them to participate in the class discussion.

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