Desired Behavior: Able to Articulate

Observed Behavior: Difficulty With Oral Articulation

Modeling Model correct speech, emphasizing words that are often misarticulated. Speak at a slower pace to ensure that students can model the appropriate sounds. 

Choral reading Read passages of text as a class so that students have an opportunity to practice speech without having attention drawn to them. This will encourage listening to others and mimicking the correct sounds. 

Assistive technologies Use technologies such as text-to-speech to provide an opportunity for students to articulate their thoughts clearly to peers. 

Preferential seating Seat students close to where you will be speaking. Stand in close proximity of students and face them so they are able to watch your lips move as you speak. 

Minimize background noise Evaluate the general background noise of the classroom. Remove any unnecessary noise, such as the electric pencil sharpener, or add tennis balls to the bottoms of each chair leg. 

Modify presentations Allow students to modify how they would like to express themselves during an oral presentation. This may include presenting in front of a small group or teacher, rather than the entire class. Assess students on the content rather than the speech quality or clarity.

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