Identifying Components and Diagnostics

Literacy needs of individual students are addressed in the six components of literacy:

Concern: Student Reading below grade level

Action: Screen for oral reading fluency and comprehension. Possible Tools: -QRI-5 or 6th edition (Pre-primer to high school); -Razinski (Grades 1-8); -Fountas & Pinnell Assessment System (K-8)

If: Below grade level in fluency (accuracy, rate or prosody) 

Then: Refer to primary handbook for phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency tier I strategies 

Concern: Student Reading below grade level


If: Below grade level in comprehension and vocabulary 

Then: Identify areas of need and reading level; provide reading comprehension and/or vocabulary intervention with instructional level text; (students practice with independent level text).  Continue screening with grade-level text as necessary

Concern: Student Writing below grade level

Action: Screen multiple samples (process and on- demand, various content areas) utilizing 6-trait rubric 

If: Identify areas of need; provide writing intervention.  Continue screening as necessary
