Guidelines for Identification of a Learning Disability

Guidelines for Identification of a Learning Disability – State of Connecticut 

The Connecticut State Department of Education has adopted the following criteria, consistent with 34 CFR § 300.309, to be used by all public agencies to determine whether a student has a specific learning disability: 

As of July 1, 2009, in order to identify a student with a specific learning disability, the Connecticut State Department of Education no longer permits the use of:  

AND no longer requires: 

Emotional Disturbance: Defining Criteria

In determining eligibility under the IDEA, the PPT must:

Decide if a student has an emotional condition that is manifested by one or more of the five characteristics listed in the definition of emotional disturbance, specifically:  

Determine that these characteristics meet the qualifying conditions or limiting criteria of: 

One requirement of establishing special education eligibility due to emotional disturbance is that one or more of the five characteristics listed in the definition is present. The definition further requires that the characteristic(s) must have an adverse effect on educational performance, be exhibited for a long period of time and to a marked degree (i.e., frequent and intense). Eligibility determination should be based on evidence drawn from different environments and should take into account the student’s developmental stage, as well as environmental, cultural and linguistic factors.