Ways to Get Involved

LavenderCal's activities are volunteer-driven.

All UC Berkeley staff and faculty — including retirees, emeriti, and alumni — are invited to connect with the LavenderCal network by attending our events, subscribing to the listserve, organizing activities, and contributing to LavCal’s social media and web presence. Volunteers are always welcome.

LavenderCal does not collect dues. The services we provide are free and exist thanks to the sustained effort of our volunteers. LavenderCal is served by a leadership team of group officers, with heavy involvement from other dedicated volunteers. Whatever your passions, talents and time constraints, there are many ways to connect with the LavenderCal community.

Spark a discussion or explore a concern with others in our community

LGBTQ+ staff and faculty are encouraged to post in the LavenderCal listserve. You are welcome to publicize any activity thought would be of potential interest to Cal LGBTQ+ staff and faculty — whether on campus or elsewhere. LavenderCal’s listserve exists for all these purposes, to benefit the Cal faculty and staff community. Community members often use the listerve to discuss current issues affecting LGBTQ+ people. These posts reflect activities on campus and in the news.

Join the listserve to post announcements, invitations, or queries to the several hundred subscribers to the LavenderCal listserve. (If you’re unsure about what is appropriate to post, ask for advice by first sending an email to lavcal@berkeley.edu.)

To add events to our calendar, contact lavcal@berkeley.edu

Volunteer for one of our current projects

Volunteering is a great way to develop your leadership skills and expand your professional and personal networks on campus. LavenderCal's Volunteer Coordinator can connect you with one–time tasks, short-duration projects, and longer-term or open-ended opportunities on campus. Volunteering should be fun, meaningful, and give back as much energy as you put into it. To avoid burnout and support sustained volunteer efforts, you are encouraged to lean in or pull back over time as your other responsibilities allow.

Email lavcal@berkeley.edu or contact our Volunteer Coordinator directly to learn about calls for volunteers for current projects and emerging opportunities.

Start Something New

While LavenderCal officers welcome feedback and suggestions, we are especially interested in supporting LavCal community members who want to develop their own events and programming. LavenderCal leaders seek to serve the many facets of our LGBTQ+ campus community. The best way to do that is to pass the mic. Backed by LavenderCal’s support and resources, our Volunteer Coordinator can work with you to turn your event ideas into reality.