Former Volunteers

Since its inception, LavenderCal has been supported by dedicated and passionate community volunteers. This Honor Roll acknowledges the staff and faculty who have given their time and energy in recent years.  Please email any errors or omissions to

Former Chairs

Former Vice Chairs

Former Volunteer Coordinators

Former Technology Coordinators

Former Finance Coordinators

Former Communications Coordinators

Former Representatives to the Dismantling Racism Action & Study Group 

Former Social Media Coordinators

Former Postdoc Representatives

Former Lavender Lunch Coordinators

Former LavCal LitClub Organizers

Former LavCal Happy Hour Organizers

Former Coordinators of the LavCal Pals Mentorship Program

Former Monitors of the Listserv

Former Representatives to the Council of Staff Organizations (CSO)

Former Representatives to the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the LGBTQ+ Communities  at Cal (since 2007)

Former Organizers & Participants at Summerfest Informational Table (Since 2007)

Former Representatives to Chancellor's Breakfasts/Brunches with Staff Organizations

Former Coordinators of Second Tuesday Noontime Talks

Former Participants as Speakers to Other Staff Groups