Calendar of Events

Find official LavenderCal events and LGBTQ+ community events posted by LavCal members on our event calendar. We also share information about our upcoming events on the LavenderCal Facebook and Instagram pages.

Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

To help ensure the health and safety of our community during the COVID-19 pandemic, LavenderCal moved all in-person events to virtual settings for the pandemic, and many still are virtual moving forward. This may include First Friday Lavender Lunches, LavCal Happy Hours, and meetings of the LavCal LitClub. Please join the LavenderCal mailing list for the latest information on our upcoming virtual and in-person events, or reach out directly to the LavCal volunteers who organize activities of interest to you.

Recurring Events

First Friday Lavender Lunch

Every month, 12:00-1:00 pm, at the Faculty Club’s Great Hall.

Join LGBTQ+ staff and faculty on the first Friday of each month to meet, greet, and eat at the Great Hall of the Faculty Club at UC Berkeley. This casual noontime gathering is popular with staff and faculty throughout campus. The Faculty Club offers quick and easy cafeteria-style service, or you can bring your own discrete brown bag lunch. We usually gather at the tables near the patio or at the long wooden tables in the Great Hall.

Since September 2006, this monthly gathering has brought together LGBTQ+ staff and faculty from across campus. This ongoing event has taken place consecutively every month since its inception, with no missed months! Whether you're an old-timer or new to campus, this is an opportunity to join together with long-time colleagues and new friends. Look for the rainbow flags!

LavCal Happy Hour

LavenderCal hosts our happy hour event at local bars and restaurants that are close to campus. UC Berkeley and LBNL staff and faculty come together to relax and converse in informal settings. Whether you’re LGBTQ+ identified or an ally, all are welcome to join us for food, drinks, and fun. Partners, friends, and coworkers are encouraged to attend. We select locations that serve food and a variety of boozy and non-alcoholic beverages.

Please join the listserve for updates about upcoming dates, check the LavenderCal calendar above, or visit our Facebook page or Instagram account. Here are a few places where LavCal Happy Hour has taken place:

East Bay Spice Company


Beta Lounge

Bear’s Lair Tavern

LavenderCal has been hosting happy hours on and off campus since 2007.

LavCal LitClub

LavCal LitClub is an LGBTQ+ book club for UC Berkeley staff. We aim to read novels from a diverse range of queer authors and meet monthly to discuss them. This club is meant to foster a fun, engaging, and inclusive dialogue about queer books and themes as they relate to our own lived experiences. Books are voted on from a list of four choices every month and recommendations are always welcome. Come read with us!

Meetings of the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on the LGBT Community at Cal (CAC-LGBT)

Staff and faculty representatives of LavenderCal serve alongside representatives of the undergraduate and graduate student bodies to advise the Chancellor and other senior leadership on a regular basis. At monthly meetings, CAC-LGBTQ members discuss emerging campus issues, plan collaborations with various campus entities, organize the drafting of reports and recommendations, and so on. All affiliates of the UC Berkeley campus are welcome to attend business meetings as observers. For more information, contact

If you have an issue that you would like to see addressed at an upcoming CAC-LGBTQ meeting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our current committee representative Marlon Maus. His contact information can be found here.