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  • The humble pangolin is the MOST trafficked mammal, making it at risk to go extinct before most have heard of it.
  • Many people consider their meat a delicacy.
  • Their scales, which are made of keratin (the same thing as our hair and nails) are thought of as a medicine, though this hasn't been scientifically proven.
  • Over 100,000 of them are poached every year!
  • 300 are poached EVERY DAY!
  • The giant ground pangolin, smutsia gigantea, is now regionally extinct in Rwanda

Trafficking Routes

Pangolins are trafficked across the globe, to the USA, every country in Southeast Asia, and lots of countries in Africa.


10 Countries where Pangolins are trafficked the most

The USA, Germany, Laos, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria and Thailand are the top 10 most trafficked countries, making Asia the most pangolin trafficking continent with 7 out of 10 countries.

Source: Time For Kids,, Photo edited in Google Drawings