Anteaters vs. Pangolins

Anteater or Pangolin?

Now, you might be wondering, what's the difference between anteaters and pangolins? They both eat ants, right? So they're the same! WRONG. Before you say, "But pangolins are called scaly anteaters," think again, because butterflies definitely aren't flying sticks of butter, and not everything fits its name. Pangolins and anteaters both do eat ants, but pangolins are pickier in their diet than anteaters. Anteaters also eat grubs, fruit, and birds' eggs, while pangolins' diets are only insect-based. Unlike anteaters, pangolins have very special scales that help them defend themselves against predators, while anteaters stand on all fours for defense. And scientifically, pangolins are more closely related to cats, dogs, and bears than anteaters. So, while they look kind of similar and eat similar things, they are definitely not the same.