About Us

We, the former fifth graders of the Green Team (2018-2019) at Winthrop L. Chenery Middle School, Belmont, MA, are the masterminds behind this one-of-a-kind work of art. After a homework assignment about trafficking pangolins, we became motivated to support the cause of stopping them from being killed.

Our Mission

We work as a team (because we are, of course, the Green Team) to help the wonderful cause of saving the endangered pangolins. Through creating a website, we hope to share the knowledge we have learned about these astounding creatures. We hope that every time someone views this website, they learn a bit more about pangolins, care a little more for endangered animals, and, most of all, help support not only the plight of the pangolin, but also help stop poaching of whatever kind off animal, all over the world.


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