Meet Our Officer Team

The Belle Plaine Officer Team Consists Of...

President - Ella Greider                                                        Reporter - Kyla Shaull           

Vice President - Sophie Brecht                                       Sentinel - Denisyn Adams

 Secretary - Alyssa Steinbeck                              Junior Advisor - Eva Brannaman

Treasurer - Layne McLeod                                              Historian - Addison Stamp

                                               Parliamentarian- Lillian Wickwire

Legislative Symposium

Eight out of the nine Belle Plaine FFA officers recently visited the capital for a conference. They listened to speakers, and then had the opportunity to meet a Legislative representative and tour the building! 

Bee Farm

On the way to National Convention this year, some of our officers got to go to an bee farm. They learned how to care for them, what kind of honey products they make!


Four of our officers had the great opportunity to compete in the floriculture contest! They worked really hard out of school to learn everything there was to know, and were able to place silver  as a team! Great job to Kyla Shaull, Layne McLeod, Denisyn Adams and Addison Stamp! 

Why our Officers Love Their Roles in FFA...

Sentinel - Denisyn Adams

"I love getting to greet different members at chapter meetings"

 President - Ella Greider 

"I love getting the opportunity to have new experiences, make new friends, and all the responsibilities I hold as the  President." 

Parliamentarian- Lillian Wickwire

" I love being able to be a positive leader for the school and getting more involved in activities that support it."

Historain- Addison Stamp

"I love all the memories that come along with being a part of FFA. From all the officers/chapter meetings to all the road trips to several contests. FFA has given me some of the best memories ever."

Vice president - Sophie Brecht

"Being able to be involved more in the chapter, encouraging  new members to join while helping them with contests, and learning new skills to better myself."

Reporter - Kyla Shaull

"My favorite part about being an officer is having the opportunity to lead others in the chapter. I love being able to help them find what parts of FFA! Not only that but I love exploring everything I love as well!"

Treasurer - Layne McLeod

"I enjoy getting to experience things and build friendships through FFA."

Secretary - Alyssa Steinbeck

"I love FFA because of the impact it has made on my life. I have been able to learn new things thrugh ag classes and contests. But most important I have been able to learn life long skills."

Junior Advisior- Eva Brannaman

"I love getting different groups of people involved and trying new things."