
Test Plot

The Belle Plaine FFA owns a test plot so that students can learn how to better their skills in farming. The committee that goes to the test plot is a group of students that are interested in learning more about it. This year, this committee was made up of Jax Stamp, Jacob Kaplan, Gabe Andrews, Braden Peterson, and Mason Spear. 


Every year we do an annual poinsettia sale, along with the fruit sale's, in the fall. The Belle Plaine Plant Science and Intro to Agriculture class helped to water and fertilize the flowers. Then during the Spring, the Horticulture class plants vegetables and flowers to sell at the end of the year. Our committees for the greenhouse are the people in the plant science or the horticulture class. 

FFA Week

During FFA week the officer team puts together various activities. As a committee, the officers meet in the morning to discuss and plan out these activities and dress-up days. This year we read agriculture children's books to the elementary students, held "Ag Olympics", and made breakfast for our teachers. We make FFA week fun for the students while giving back to the people who support us every day. 

Community Engagement

One example of how our chapter gets involved with our local community is by decorating a Christmas tree to put up on main street. During our monthly chapter meetings a committee is chosen to partake in this event. This year this committee included Mary and Chris Sheilds, Sophie Brecht, Denisyn Adams, Addison Stamp, Alyssa Steinbeck, Layne McLeod, and Seth Payn.