FPC 2019
Sunday, December 29. Jeff & Jeannette Albertson, a loving couple in Christ Jesus, renewed their wedding vows on their anniversary at their beloved Church. Please bless them as they continue their love journey in the faith.
You can watch the video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xZhGyjale88
Due to some technical difficulties, the video is blurred but it makes the video more like dreamy, romantic, and fabulous. :-)
Tuesday, December 24, 8PM. Christmas Eve Service was all about Music and Scriptures for the birth of Jesus our Saviour. Thanks to Jim Kirkman, Mike Alexander, Mary Hardesty, Josiah Hamill, and Anthony Ferreira. There was fellowship after the service thanks to Emma Jean Conklin and the deacons.
Wednesday, December 11, 6:30PM. The second Advent activity was Movie & Game Night with Pizzas. The movie was How Grinch Stole the Christmas.
Wednesday, December 4, 6:30PM. The first Advent activity was small wreath making. We also enjoyed the soups. Many thanks to Sarah Lee and other people who prepared soups.
Wednesday, December 4, 6:30PM. The first Advent activity was small wreath making. We also enjoyed the soups. Many thanks to Sarah Lee and other people who prepared soups.
Sunday, December 1. Youth Group open the season of Advent, when we await baby Jesus!
Saturday, November 30. Members came to church to decorate and be ready for Christmas! Now we are ready to welcome baby Jesus!
Sunday, November 24. The parish harvest dinner, celebrating the Thanksgiving Day was on the Sunday before the Thanksgiving Day at MPC.
Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/4GkVEz588TH19wcH9
Saturday, November 16. FPC hosted "Cocoa, Cookies, and Craft" where people made beautiful ornaments while enjoying cocoa and cookies. It was a fundraise for Youth Group.
Sunday, October 6, 2019. Pictures from our special celebration of our 200th anniversary. Displays, church, worship and dinner.
Sunday, August 18th, 5PM. Parish Picnic was featured with the brand new grill. People enjoyed the good food and good fellowship in Christ.
Sunday, July 21st, 4PM. Samuel Jejun Lee had his first birthday party at Mitchell Presbyterian Church. Many people from both churches came to celebrate together.
Friday, July 12th-Saturday 13th. The annual Rummage Sale of 2019 was held at the fellowship hall. It was possible because of the donations and dedications of our members, and of course the leadership of Carol Ellmore.
Monday, July 8th. Our member Nellie Reynolds began her hospice care the week before. Betsey Makximenko (one of the co-clerks of session) and Pastor Je's family visited Nellie in Columbus, IN.
Sunday, June 2nd. Our Music Director Joshua Harper's last day. The congregation celebrated him and blessed his life journey in the new state of Arizona as he begins teaching in a college.
Sunday, May 19th. The youth group led the worship service. Thanks to Sarah Lee and Ann Armstrong for arranging and helping the service with the youth group.
Friday, April 26st. Carol Ellmore and pastor Je took some photos of church building with flowers. We have a beautiful church.
Sunday, April 21st, 7:30AM. To celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, both churches in the parish gathered together early in the morning of the Easter Sunday at MPC and had the Son-Rise Service, outdoor, watching the Sunrise. Mitchell deacons provided the wonderful breakfast.
Thursday, April 18th, 6:30PM. The Parish had the Maundy Thursday Service, the combination of worship, communion, fellowship, meal, and learning opportunity. Mitchell Presbyterian Church provided the meal and each people brought salads and desserts to share.
Thursday, April 11th, Kay Emery, Anne Hahn, Carol Ellmore and pastor Je visited Nellie Reynolds, our 99 year old member, now living in a retirement home in Columbus, IN. We had lunch together, and had good time. Pastor Je served the communion for Nellie.
Missionaries' Presentation
Friday, March 22nd, 7PM, the missionaries, Revs. Elmarie & Scott Parker, to the Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq) by the Presbyterian Church of USA visited the Presbyterian Parish of Lawrence County, and had their presentation at the Mitchell Presbyterian Church. It was meaningful time of learning the good works of God being done through our money where there is huge need for it.
Tuesday before the Ash Wednesday, March 5th, both churches in the parish gathered together for pancakes before we refrain ourselves from good foods during the season of Lent.
Saturday after the Valentine's Day, February 16th, both churches in the parish gathered together to celebrate love and to enjoy a good time. There was a Bible Quiz with awesome prizes.
Sarah Lee hosted the Euchre Fest at church fellowship hall on the Valentine's Day, Thursday, February 14th.