Riley Organ

Riley Memorial Organ

The Riley Memorial Pipe Organ was installed and first used in early 1969. The organ was originally built by the Holloway Organ Company of Indianapolis, Indiana. The organ was given to the church by Dagmar Riley in memory of her husband Stewart Riley and daughter Katherine Riley. Stewart Riley was a former publisher of the Times-Mail newspaper in Bedford.

Ms. Riley passed away in 1991 and left the church a sizable bequest for the continued maintenance and eventual replacement of the organ if need be. Because some work needed to be done to the organ at that time, Goulding & Wood Pipe Organ Company in Indianapolis was contacted. Both John Goulding and Tom Wood were working for the Holloway company when this organ was built and were very familiar with the instrument. It was decided to do a complete renovation of the organ. The organ was completely revoiced, some stops were replace or added, the wind chest regulators were replaced, and the whole organ was rewired adding a solid state switching unit. This work was completed in 1993.

The renovation made the organ much more versatile. It is very flexible at accompanying choir and congregational singing as well as performing major organ works. It can speak with the quietest flutes all the way up to powerful reeds. The First Presbyterian Church of Bedford is truly blessed to have such a wonderful instrument to lead worship.

Stop List


16’ Rohr Gedeckt

8’ Principal

8’ Rohr Flute (ext. 16’)

8’ Dulciana

4’ Octave

4’ Spiel Flute

2’ Block Flute

II Sesquialtera TF

II-III Mixture (1-1/3’)


Gt.-to-Gt. 16’-UO-4’


8’ Gems Celeste TC

8’ Gemshorn

8’ Gedeckt

4’ Spitz Principal

2’ Principal

1-1/3’ Spitz Quint

16’ Bassoon

8’ Trompette

8’ Hautbois


Sw.-to-Sw. 16’-UO-4’


32’ Resultant (Bourdon)

16’ Bourdon

16’ Rohr Gedeckt (Gt.)

8’ Spitz Principal

8’ Bourdon (ext. 16')

8’ Rohr Flute (Gt.)

4’ Choral Bass

4’ Rohr Flute (Gt.)

2’ Octave

II Mixture (1-1/3’, 1’)

16’ Faggott

16’ Bassoon (Sw.)

8’ Hautbois (Sw.)

4’ Schalmei


Swell to Great 16’, 8’, 4’

Great to Pedal 8’, 4’

Swell to Pedal 8’, 4’

Great to Swell 8’

Great to MIDI

Swell to MIDI

Pedal to MIDI