First Presbyterian Church

of Bedford, IN

Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of Bedford Indiana.

Established 1819

     The First Presbyterian Church of Bedford is a community of believers in Jesus Christ who seek to know God's will through worship, scripture, and prayer, and who feel called to share God's love through community and global ministry.  We are committed to providing a caring, welcoming and inclusive environment to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Worship time change!  Please join us for worship at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday morning.

Friday Email, December 27

My Friends,

And now here we are at my last Friday email of the year 2024.  I hope it's been a good year for you all, but then, if you are like me, there have been some ups and some downs.  And I'm sure most of us, myself also included, hope that perhaps 2025 will be just a little bit better.  Probably not the best way to think.  My suggestion, both to all of you and myself, is to reflect on all the blessings God has given us in the past year.  There have been so many if we just take a little time to look for them!  And thank God for them!

The Rev. Dr. John VanderZee will be returning to our pulpit this first Sunday in Christmastide.  His scriptures will be from Ephesians 1:3-12 and John 1:1-18.  His sermon title will be Adopted into God's Family.  As believers, each one of us is a part of God's family so Jesus is actually our brother!  Pretty cool isn't it?!

Following the postlude Sunday, there will be a short Congregational Meeting.  This meeting is to elect two people to serve on session for the next two years.  We thank Janet Barger for agreeing to serve a second two year term, and Peggy Julian, who is going session on to serve in the area of finance.

Tomorrow, Saturday, December 28, we will be having our monthly Community Free Pancake Breakfast.  It will be in the Fellowship Hall from 8:00 until 10:00 a.m.  Be sure to come for great pancakes and all the fixings.

Finally, I would like to leave you with a prayer for the new year that I just ran across.  One thing we can be sure about in the new year is that there will be "surprises".  They can be both good surprises and not so good surprises, but we know that in all things God's plans are being carried out.

We Pray...

 For healing...prepare us for surprises.

For strength...prepare us for surprises.

For vision...prepare us for surprises.

For transformation...prepare us for surprises.

For messengers and messages...prepare us for surprises.

For community...prepare us for surprises.

For acceptance - of ourselves and others...prepare us for surprises.

For making room at our tables...prepare us for surprises.

For Truth-seeking...prepare us for surprises.

For support...prepare us for surprises.

For Common Ground...prepare us for surprises.

Walk beside us, O Holy One,

as we question and welcome,

as we challenge and invite,

as we discover and understand,

as we see, touch, taste, smell, and listen for the Newness awaiting us in 2025.

May we, Your Holy People, walk forward together side by side.


I hope to see you in worship Sunday.  If not, may God bless you greatly in the coming year.

Peace and Joy,


When praying becomes your habit, miracles become your lifestyle.

Contact Information      First Presbyterian Church of Bedford,   1504 L Street, Bedford, IN 47421

 Phone: 812-275-5853


 Clerks of Session:  Betsey Makximenko,

 Facebook:  Be sure to like us!

1504 L Street

Bedford, IN 47421