First Presbyterian Church

of Bedford, IN

Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of Bedford Indiana.

Established 1819

     The First Presbyterian Church of Bedford is a community of believers in Jesus Christ who seek to know God's will through worship, scripture, and prayer, and who feel called to share God's love through community and global ministry.  We are committed to providing a caring, welcoming and inclusive environment to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Worship time change!  Please join us for worship at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday morning.

Friday Email, January 17

My Friends,

Hasn't it been nice to see the sun shining brightly and temps above freezing!  I am actually beginning to see bare ground in spots!  And we're even supposed to have some rain tomorrow morning.  Unfortunately, the temps are going to drop again next week, starting Sunday I think.  Old man winter, unfortunately, has a ways to go.  But even though it may be cool on Sunday, I believe we will be able to have our first worship service of 2025.

Our guest minister this Sunday will be the Rev. Richard Van Doren.  We are so blessed and so grateful that Pastor Rich is willing to come help us out despite his mobility issues.  Our church is the only church he is willing to come to.  It is always such a blessing to hear him preach and to talk with him.  His scriptures this Sunday are 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 and John 2:1-11.  The John passage tells the story of Jesus' first miracle, turning water into the finest wine.  Pastor Rich's sermon title is The Common Good.

Monday, January 20, the Mariners will be doing their monthly get together at the Golden Corral at 6:00 p.m.  Always good food and great fellowship.

A week from tomorrow, Saturday, January 25, we will be having our Community Free Pancake Breakfast.  It will be in the Fellowship Hall from 8:00 until 10:00 a.m.  Great pancakes and all the fixings, along with more good fellowship.  Plan on coming!

As always, I ask you to continue to pray for our church.  We are in a peculiar situation.  We are financially stable and able to keep the lights and the heat on.  We are able to maintain our facility to a useful level.  And we have a group of wonderful supply ministers and speakers available that lead us in meaningful worship.  But we are without a pastor, a shepherd to lead us.  Actually, we do have a shepherd, the highest Shepherd!  In that light, I would like to share with you this prayer I found on-line:

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today as a small church community currently without a pastor, yet we know that you are always with us. We ask that you guide us through this time of transition, reminding us that you are our true shepherd and that we are never alone. Strengthen our unity, empower each member to use their gifts to serve one another, and ignite within our hearts a renewed passion for your word. As we seek your leadership, please open our eyes to the needs of our community and guide us in finding the right shepherd to lead us forward in your will. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen."

The transition is long, but God will always be with us and bless us.  I pray you all have a wonderful weekend, and I hope to see many of you Sunday.

Peace and Hope,


I heard your prayer.  Trust my timing.

-- God

Contact Information      First Presbyterian Church of Bedford,   1504 L Street, Bedford, IN 47421

 Phone: 812-275-5853


 Clerks of Session:  Betsey Makximenko,

 Facebook:  Be sure to like us!

1504 L Street

Bedford, IN 47421