Third Grade

Beginning of the year reading level- Third Grade/ Book Level -M

Mid-year reading level - Third Grade/ Book Level - O

End of the year reading level- Third Grade Level/ Book Level -P

At this level reading with your child everyday is still one of the best activities you can do. A good way to make it fun it to do partner reading, where you read a page and then your child reads a page. It is still important for your child to hear you read, as well as having them read to you. Your child will be into chapter books by now and a great way to keep them reading is find a book series that they enjoy. A great series that you child should be able to read by this age is The Magic Tree House Series. There are fiction and nonfiction books in this series. The books are about adventures that take place all over the world. There are many other wonderful series so try to get your child interested in one to keep their reading going.

After reading, ask you child to write about their favorite part of the book. You might have them start by drawing a picture about their favorite part and then writing several sentences to describe their favorite part of the story.

Have your child keep a daily journal of the fun things they are doing at home. This is wonder practice with writing because they are writing about things that interest them. Also, have them go back and reread their journal from time to time and this serves as a reading activity as well.

You might have your child write letters or notes to special family members or friends. This could be done on paper or also as an email on the computer.

Have you child go to Epic Books and select a book they want to read. Students are more likely to enjoy reading if they are allowed to select the book.

Another great reading site is RAZ- KIDS. On this site they can read or listen to the book.

Have your child continue to practice their high frequency words. The more automatic your child is with the recognition of high frequency words, the more fluently they will be able to read. This is a good site for practicing high frequency words. Your child can practice by simply saying the words or your child can do an audio practice with the words on this site.