Fourth Grade

Reading Level 4th Grade- Book Level Q, R, S

Daily reading is still one of the best activities you child can do at the age. By this age your child is probably interested in reading chapter books. Find a chapter book series that your child enjoys and have him/her read a chapter each day. Hopefully if they are interested in the book, they will want to read more than one chapter each day.

Have you child do some type of writing activity. Your child could write about their favorite part of each chapter once they completed reading the chapter.

If your child is not interested in writing about their book, then have them write a letter to a special family member or friend. This can be done on paper or done on the computer as an email.

Another fun reading activity is to let you child help you cook or bake. Let you child read the recipe, measure out the ingredients(this is good math practice as well), and read the step by step instructions on how to make the recipe. This is not only fun but then you both can have tasty treat when you finish!

Have some family fun by playing a game together. Have your child read the directions on how to play the game. A great game for expanding your child's vocabulary and spelling is to play Scrabble.